The SMART model is a popular framework for goal setting that provides a structured approach to creating clear and achievable objectives.

Specific: – Clearly define the goal. Be precise about what you want to accomplish.  Instead of a vague goal like "exercise more," make it specific like "jog for 30 minutes, five days a week."

Measurable: – Establish concrete criteria for tracking progress and determining when the goal is achieved.  Instead of saying "lose weight," make it measurable like "lose 10 pounds in two months."

Attainable: – Ensure the goal is realistic and attainable given your resources, skills, and timeframe.  If you've never run before, setting a goal to run a marathon next month might not be achievable. Start with smaller milestones.

Relevant: – Ensure that the goal aligns with your broader objectives and is relevant to your overall aspirations.  If your long-term career goal is to become a manager, a relevant short-term goal might be to complete a leadership training program.

Time-bound: – Set a specific timeframe for achieving the goal. This adds a sense of urgency and helps with motivation.  Instead of saying "someday," make it time-bound like "complete the online course within the next four weeks."

Applying the SMART criteria helps in creating well-defined, achievable, and focused goals, increasing the likelihood of success.

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