Spiritual Coaching

7 Types Of Meditation

By Divya Toshniwal

Meditation helps you to be at peace with yourself. It boosts your spiritual power, relaxes your mind, helps you take control of your thoughts and inspires you to live with a positive attitude.

 Mindfulness meditation trains you to focus on what you are thinking or feeling in the present moment.

Transcendental meditation helps to avoid the tangle of thoughts by focusing on one mantra and forgetting everything else that is going on inside.

Guided meditation or guided imagery uses the tool of visualization to fulfill the purpose of calming your mind. It is a gentle but really powerful technique that focuses on imagination.

Vipasana Sadhana is believed to be practiced and taught by Buddha himself. This form of meditation concentrates on the natural breathing

Kundalini meditation is a part of Kundalini Yoga and meant to move energy through the body.  It contains specific, practical tools that carefully and precisely support the mind and guide the body through the use of breath, mantra, mudra, and focus.

There are 3 most common techniques for zen meditation. Observation of the breath, Quiet awareness and Intensive group meditation.

Movement meditation helps you realize and better control your body. It exploits the mind and body connection and allows you to connect to your mind through establishing a connection to your body.

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