
Impact of Gaslighting on Organizational Productivity

Divya Toshniwal

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or group makes someone doubt their own thoughts, memories, and perceptions.

The term "gaslighting" comes from the 1944 film "Gaslight," in which a husband manipulates his wife into believing she is going insane.

Gaslighting at the workplace can have a significant impact on productivity. Here are some ways in which gaslighting can affect an individual's ability to perform and contribute effectively:

Decreased Focus and Concentration

Gaslighting creates a constant state of self-doubt and emotional distress which can preoccupy the employees and decrease their focus on work.

Reduced Confidence and Initiative

The individual may become passive and seek constant reassurance, hindering their ability to contribute proactively to their role.

Increased Stress and Anxiety

Constantly navigating manipulative tactics and questioning one's reality is mentally and emotionally exhausting. Elevated stress levels can impact cognitive function, decision-making, and overall productivity.

Deterioration of Team Dynamics

When a gaslighter undermines an employee's credibility or belittles their contributions, it can create an atmosphere of distrust and disunity within the team.

Loss of Motivation and Engagement

When their efforts and achievements are consistently invalidated or stolen by the gaslighter, they may become demoralized and disengaged.

Increased Absenteeism and Turnover

If the workplace becomes toxic due to gaslighting, employees may resort to increased absenteeism or even leave the organization altogether.High turnover rates disrupt productivity.

Lost Innovation and Creativity

When individuals constantly question their ideas and feel their contributions are undervalued, they may hesitate to propose new ideas or take risks.

Cultivating a culture of trust, open communication, and respect can help mitigate the negative impact of gaslighting and support employees in reaching their full potential.