Gaslighting in Online Dating


In the world of online dating, where connections are made through screens and virtual interactions, the risk of encountering gaslighting is a sobering reality.

By equipping yourself with knowledge and adopting proactive measures, you can navigate the digital dating landscape with confidence and protect yourself from gaslighting.

By equipping yourself with knowledge and adopting proactive measures, you can navigate the digital dating landscape with confidence and protect yourself from gaslighting.

The person you've been talking to online discourages you from sharing details about your dating experiences with your friends. They claim that your friends might not understand your connection and may judge you unfairly.

The person you're chatting with constantly flatters you, making you feel special and appreciated. However, as soon as you express a different opinion or disagree on something, they withdraw their compliments and give you the silent treatment.

The person you're chatting with constantly flatters you, making you feel special and appreciated. However, as soon as you express a different opinion or disagree on something, they withdraw their compliments and give you the silent treatment.

You have been chatting with someone for a while, and they suddenly become distant and unresponsive. When you ask if everything is okay, they respond with, "You're always too demanding and clingy. "

During an online chat, you recall the person mentioning their plans to meet up with you for a virtual coffee date. However, when you bring it up excitedly, they deny ever mentioning it and suggest that you misunderstood or imagined the conversation

These signs may start developing so subtly that you may not be able to recognize them unless you are absolutely self-aware and aware of your surroundings too.