
The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Beating Depression

By Divya Toshniwal

Develop an exercise routine. This is not optional. You need to get up from the bed and move your body( unless you have a severe physical ailment) .

Being close to nature. Another aspect of self-care is also taking small little breaks from your monotonous life

Create positive affirmations for yourself , anything that suits you and relates to your life. Repeating the positive affirmations would help you design an optimistic mindset.

Commit to one social meetup each week . If there is not invite from others then go ahead and invite someone on your own .

If the reason for your depression is financial then start now to build some economic stability for yourself. It is never too late and the situation you are in can be changed.

PLEASE start loving yourself again. We often indulge in our relationships so much that we stop loving ourselves and that is what leads to being sad and lonely

Soothe all your five senses. Sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing.

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